Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Spanish Cuisine Of Spain - 980 Words

The culture of Spain is very diverse and lively. It is filled with beautiful colors like the dresses of the Flamenco dancers, or the decorations in the late-night fiestas. Last year my school had a foreign exchange student from a little island off the coast of Spain. Her name was Marà ­a. She told us all about the crystal blue water that surrounded her island, and the fiestas her and her friends and family would go to until 3 A.M. Spain is a beautiful country, and this paper will explain its most important habits, customs, and differences to American culture. The Spanish cuisine is a mystery in itself. Not only does the food differ from American cuisine, but also the customs of when it is eaten. Lisa and Tony Sierra explain the eating†¦show more content†¦The flamenco was the passionate dance of romance. Finally, the Paso Doble was a simple one step dance. Most of the literature we talked about was poetry, prose, or drama. For one of our units my teacher made us write out o ur own fairytale, and we had to read it to the class. One of my favorite websites I found for information was commisceo-global, and they explained the cultural aspects of Spain. 94% of Spaniards are Roman Catholic, and usually in many small towns, the biggest, grandest building in the town is the church. Also, most holidays were created for religious reasons, like Three King’s Day (January 6) or Holy Week (late March-early April). When Marà ­a was in Minnesota she did not go to church on Sundays, but she still participated in our local youth group. The next cultural aspect this website focused on was family and gender. It explained that most families consisted of immediate and extended, which helps with financial stability and raising children. Children were also one of the topics focused on. They say that children were the prized possessions of the families. They usually started school around 6 and went to school until they were 16. After school, they could either join the workforce, further their educations in high school, or do vocational training. Adult men and women had their own roles while their children were in school. Although they shared the responsibilities of parenting and house work, women were usually inShow MoreRelatedSpain And South Korea s Food Culture1470 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction I have chosen the country Spain. I think Spain is very interesting country because it has a long history and fervent people. Most people think about Spain as football WorldCup, a fighting bull and Flamenco. However, Spain is very famous with its cuisine. Also known as Spain s food is very intense and flavorful. In fact, in a previous block, I wrote an essay about compared with Spain and South Korea s food culture. Food of Spain and Korea deal in common. 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